Brushstrokes will hold their annual Christmas exhibition in St. Mary’s Hall from Thursday 3rd December until Sunday 6th December, 2015. Brushstrokes are celebrating “20 Years a Growing” this year in 2015, so drop in and have a browse. There are works at prices to suit all budgets and they make an ideal, locally-made gift for Christmas.
Lough Ree Environmental Summer Festival 2015
The 17th Lough Ree Environmental Summer Festival was launched on Friday, 17th July. The Festival starts on Thursday 23rd July and features 3 days of poetry workshops, facilitated by renowned poet Noel Monahan. This year the festival delves into the past with an exhibition of photographs celebrating the businesses of Lanesborough through the ages. Due to its previous success, Bushcraft camping has returned. There will also be a stained glass workshop, fishing, archery, lots of family fun and local lake and woodland trips. Take a look at the full programme in the Event Guide.
Lanesboro Two Provinces Triathlon sponsored by Audi Athlone

Audi Athlone, have come on board once again, as the main sponsor for this exciting sprint triathlon. A sprint triathlon consists of a 750m open water swim, a 20km bike ride and a 5km run. It is a fantastic achievement for our Lanesboro Triathlon Club, that this year’s race has been selected by Triathlon Ireland for their National Series calendar. This means that the best triathletes from all corners of the country will descend on the villages of Lanesboro and Ballyleague to compete. It is expected to have well over 500 competitors entered in this year’s race. As per our race director – “The feedback from last year’s race was fantastic. We take pride in hosting a race where water and road safety are a priority…..we want every competitor, whatever their fitness level, to come home safely and enjoy their experience”
Also taking place on the same day is the Audi Athlone Kidathon. The 2013 race promises to be even more exciting than last year kids triathlon. The kid’s race is currently full as it sold out within weeks. We had to cap the entrants at 75 entrants to ensure maximum safety for all junior swimmers in the open water.
To find out more about the Audi Athlone Two Provinces Triathlon and the Audi Athlone Kidathon, visit the event website atwww.audiathlonetwoprovinces.
It promises to be a great day in Lanesboro on Saturday, and the current weather is a real bonus so the crowds will be big. We even have celebrities taking part as Niall Breslin, known as Bressie, shall be competing so huge numbers will be out with their cameras for a glimpse of the famous singer!!!
This is a fantastic occasion for the communities of Lanesboro and Ballyleague, and one that has generated huge interest throughout Longford, Leitrim, Roscommon & Westmeath and also at National level.
Lanesboro Gathering 2013 Launch
Gathering Launch on Thursday
This coming Thursday evening 27th June in Adie Farrell’s the committee invites everyone to come along to the official launch of the Gathering weekend at 9pm. Come along and discover the wonderful line-up of events that have been put in place for our Gathering. Light refreshments will be served on the night.
Hosting the weekend festival is proving to be very expensive but it is a cost that we are fully confident will be covered by sponsors, contributors and support of people of Lanesboro and Rathcline throughout the world by supporting the events leading up to the event and also attending the functions throughout the weekend. We are committed to making the weekend a very special that will fill everyone with a great sense and pride of our town and parish.
We have heard of people that have made plans to be here for the weekend and we hope to hear from more and more people as the days draw closer.
We invite everyone that can attend on Thursday night to come along and be part of the first of our Gathering events.
NewtownCashel Harvest Festival
A fundraising Table Quiz will be held in Doyle’s of Kenagh, on Friday June 28th.
A Sponsored Walk takes place along the Grand Canal at Kenagh on Sunday July 14th.
The Festival is in Newtowncashel on Sunday Septemebr 1st.
Proceeds are in aid of St Christopher’s, Newtowncashel Tidy Towns and Cashel GAA Club.